The MHSFCA Hall of Fame Class of 2010
In March 2010, fourteen new members were inducted into the Michigan High School Football Coaches Association Hall of Fame.

Criteria for Hall of Fame Membership
The criteria for nomination to the Hall of Fame, established by the Hall of Fame Committee (comprised of the Past Presidents of the Association) is: 100 or more wins as a Varsity Head Coach or 20 or more years coaching High School related football in the State of Michigan. (i.e. Jr. High, Middle School, Freshman, Junior Varstiy, Varsity).
Additionally, the Hall of Fame Committee considers the date the nomination was received, the age, and the health of the nominee. The committee encourages anyone, who knows of potential candidates, meeting the above criteria, to please submit those names to:
2195 Lakeridge Drive
Holland, MI 49424
Or, you can complete the nomination form online.