Schools: Brown City 1985, Marysville 1986-2019
Notable Accomplishments: 34 Years Coaching Football in the Marysville Football Program. Only Coach to Have Coached at All Levels of Football at Marysville: Middle School (Seven Years) 1986-1992, Freshmen (Two Years) 2008-2009, Junior Varsity (Twenty-One Years) 1993-2004, 2010-2018, Varsity (Four Years) 2005-2007, 2019; Six Undefeated Seasons: 1985, 1992-1993, 1998-1999, 2015; Nine Seasons With 1 Loss: 1989-1991, 1994, 1996, 2001, 2009, 2014, 2016; Won / Loss Record: 71 – 8 – 1, 1990-1999; Member of Coaching Staff for Class B State Champions: 1986 (12-1), 1992 (12-1); MHSFCA Junior Varsity Assistant Coach of the Year 2001.